

裘德·贝林厄姆希望回顾 2024 年欧洲杯对阵斯洛伐克的扳平进球,认为这是他职业生涯的最佳进球。这位中场球员在伤停补时阶段打入一记倒钩球,将三狮军团扳平比分,然后哈里·凯恩在加时赛中攻入制胜球,帮助三狮军团扳平比分。以 2-1 获胜。贝灵汉姆不希望他的惊人努力来定义英格兰的锦标赛,但是,他强调他们必须从这里开始。

他说:“我知道在那些时刻我能提供什么。今年我为马德里做到了这一点,我已经之前为英格兰队做到过。“如果这粒进球最终帮助我们举起了奖杯,那么它就会名列前茅(作为他职业生涯的最佳进球)。但在那之前,我们拭目以待。 “我认为在他们进球之前乃至进球之后,我们的表现都非常好。我们拥有强大的控制力,我们总是在进攻三区充满威胁。我们可能缺乏创造大机会的小动作,但我们仍然有一些半场机会。” -机会,我们表现出了极大的潜力,这对我们前进很重要。

"Look at who came on, we've won this game together. It's not me, it's not Harry [Kane], it's not the individual moments that you look back on. It's the like of Ivan Toney, Eberechi Eze, Cole Palmer and I could name all the rest coming on. Bukayo going to left-back, that's the sacrifice that you make for a team, that's the energy we need to keep within the team regardless of what is going on outside it."Bellingham stressed that the win was a victory for the character in the squad.He said: "It's a good win, we're through to the next round, so we're very happy. It's been tough."We showed huge character and it was important to get through."You try and find all the different edges because at this level of football, it's so hard to score goals. Every team plays to defend and keep a zero, so that is really difficult. Any chance you have to maximise the situation, like a throw-in, you have to take it and we did."

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