

迪恩·亨德森 热爱作为 2024 年欧洲杯英格兰守门员联盟成员的生活。乔丹·皮克福德 在德国三狮军团的比赛中每分钟都在守门,但亨德森正在刻苦训练,一旦有机会就会确保他的队友做好准备在周三由 EE 连接的《Lions' Den》节目中发表讲话时,他透露了更多有关拦车者之间的友情。他说:“我们都在朝着正确的方向前进,这真的很好。我们作为一个整体,希望我们都能帮助乔丹进球。

"The sessions Marge [Martyn Margetson, goalkeeping coach] puts on, I'd be surprised if another country's goalkeepers are working at a better level every day. It's all been good and that's why he [Pickford] is performing so well and has done for many years."We aim for 700 saves a week. That's the aim and then we are prepared for every outcome. "Tom Heaton coming in has been great as well. He's a top fella and just to have him around with the experience he brings is great for the boys."Henderson also revealed that the squad are in a good place after Sunday's 2-1 win over Slovakia booked their place in the last eight.That mood was improved by a private gig from Ed Sheeran earlier this week.

The goalkeeper said: "He was incredible. The boys loved and it and we were talking the next day about how good it was. It brought the boys together. "Dunky [Lewis Dunk] was the worst singer. Ivan Toney was top."We're in good spirits. We never gave up on Sunday and just to get that goal at the end – it's a great flick-on and finish – hopefully gives us momentum we can take into the next game. It has brought everyone even closer together."

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