

伊万·托尼表示,当他在对阵2024年欧洲杯上的斯洛伐克的比赛中替补上场时,他能感觉到尽管英格兰队在比赛还剩两分钟时0-1落后,但球队并没有失去一切。 三狮军团通过裘德·贝林厄姆令人难忘的进球立即扳平比分,托尼在加时赛开场时刻助攻制胜球哈里·凯恩。替补出场的球员发挥了重要作用,这位布伦特福德前锋在周一由 EE 转播的 Lions' Den 节目中反思了逆转。他说:“我主要感到松了一口气。我们知道我们正在争夺最后,所以你需要一些东西来回到比赛中。裘德即将登场在那一刻将球射入球网是疯狂的,你可以看到替补席上的每个人的情绪,从那时起我们就有动力完成比赛并冲过终点线。

"It shows the character in the team. We've all been in similar situations, maybe not as high as this one, but you stay in there and we could all sniff there was going to be another opportunity. We sensed there would be one more. It's fallen to Jude and he did his thing."In the dying moments as a sub you're wondering when your chance is going to come. You have to be ready, you don't know what's going to happen, it can change and going into extra time the momentum was on our side. We had players to change the game and we did it."The striker's assist for Kane's goal was the kind of impact he was desperate to make – and he revealed that the move was far from a fluke.

Toney said: "I said to H [Harry Kane] that I'm going to move to the back post from crosses and knock it back across, so be there. I knew he'd put everything into it and I think he nearly went into the goal with it. Striker's instinct is to be there at the right time."Moments like that are the best. We know everyone is behind us, we're doing our best to do what we can. Watching all the reactions and hearing all the support from home, it just shows that everyone is behind us."

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