

加雷斯·索斯盖特 (Gareth Southgate) 相信英格兰队的耐心得到了回报,因为他们戏剧性地以 2-1 击败斯洛伐克 获得了 2024 年欧洲杯四分之一决赛的资格。三狮军团以 1-0 落后,直到下半场补时阶段裘德·贝灵厄姆 令人震惊的比赛倒钩球将比赛拖入加时赛。哈里·凯恩在重新开始后不久就点点头致胜,索斯盖特很高兴他的球队从未认输。他说:“这是典型的英格兰之夜之一我们让每个人都经历了磨难,他们是一支优秀的球队,我们花了很长时间才弄清楚如何克服他们的压力,因为我们落后了,但在球场上却很焦虑。下半场我们做得更好,我们一直保持耐心,上场的球员最终发挥了作用,当你像我们一样努力时,这些时刻就可以了。发生。

"We were too narrow in the first half, the solutions were wide but we struggled to connect from there. In the first half we were too slow moving the ball and we didn't create the openings we needed to create but in the second half we showed composure to keep moving the ball. Under pressure you can make bad decisions but we came close and I think a draw was probably fair in 90 minutes."Southgate heralded Bellingham's impact, admitting he considered substituting the midfielder but refrained from doing so because he knew such heroics were possible.The boss said: "That's him. We were thinking with 15 minutes to go he's out on his feet and should we take him off but you know the sort of impact he can have. Those moments are why you stick with him. The top players affect the big games. I never felt tonight would be the end of our tournament. With the long throw, you hope that we can cause some chaos. I think Ivan Toney was pretty disgusted when I put him on with a minute to go but he's had a big impact. We just had a feel he might be able to cause some chaos and that happened.

"We'll have to assess everybody now. It's a good team we're going to play against [Switzerland] but we've got time and the lift everybody will get emotionally is huge. They've shown the character they have. We know nights like tonight have everybody on the edge of the sofa."

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