

哈里·凯恩将英格兰队在 2024 年欧洲杯上以 2-1 戏剧性地战胜斯洛伐克归功于球队的信念。Jude Bellingham在补时阶段凭借一记倒钩球出色地帮助三狮军团保住了比赛,并在加时赛中攻入制胜一球。比分是 1-1。队长坚持认为在比赛的这个阶段结果才是最重要的。Kane

“几天前我们投入了很长的时间,并说我们可能需要它。我们已经为任何事情做好了准备,显然裘德做了裘德所做的事情,这是一个令人难以置信的目标。它让我们的锦标赛保持活力。“我们得到了令人难以置信的支持,我知道家乡的球迷会喜欢这一点。真是一场胜利。”贝林汉姆的杂技般的英雄事迹不会很快被忘记,他的队长相信这次进球可能会成为国家队有史以来最好的进球之一。Bellingham's acrobatic heroics will no be forgotten in a hurry and his captain believes the strike may go down among the best ever scored for the national team.

Kane said: "It’s one of the best in our country’s history. What a player he is. He works so hard for the team, there has been a lot of talk about him the last couple of days but he shows what he can do. In the big moments, he steps up and that is what we need. We need everyone to step up in moments and he did that today."It comes down to preparation. We had a lot of attacking players on the pitch so we had to find a way to balance the team. The subs who came on halfway through extra time did brilliantly. In this competition, you find a way to win and that is what we have done."We know we will do whatever it takes. If we have another game like this in the quarter-final, then so be it. This team knows how to dig deep and that is exactly what we have done today. Of course we could have been better, we could have played better, but ultimately, it’s a results business. That is what we care about. We can enjoy this, we can enjoy the comeback and hopefully take that momentum into the rest of the tournament."

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