戈登渴望在 2024 年欧洲杯结束后做出贡献

戈登渴望在 2024 年欧洲杯结束后做出贡献

周二 0-0 战平斯洛文尼亚在 2024 年欧洲杯上首次亮相重大赛事后,渴望继续做出贡献。这一结果确保了三狮军团在 C 组中名列前茅,并将于 2024 年在盖尔森基兴进行 16 强比赛。周日。安东尼·戈登戈登强调,随着比赛的进行,球队可以打得更好,但希望他们保持冷静。

He said: "I felt like I made an impact when I came on. I tried to get at people, be direct and cause problems in the few minutes I got and I'll always try to do that. I want to play. I think every player does and it's difficult because we've got so many good players. Watching from the sidelines is hard because you feel like you can make an impact. "We wanted to make a statement and I still think we can do better. We've topped the group and we're through but we still need to improve. We've got such good players, training's so good every day, we do everything right and then it's not quite clicking on the pitch. Hopefully in the coming games it will."Gordon reserved special praise for the England fans, who were in fine voice throughout the match, and hopes they can be rewarded in the knockout stages.

He said: "I was saying to a couple of lads on the bench that the fans have been so impressive. They didn't stop. We're not creating that many chances and we need them to stick with us. Winning is the most important thing."The dressing room is focused. We know where we are, we've been short of where we should be, and the focus is really good on what we need to do. We're saying it straight and that's how it should be."We've all played on big stages for a while so I don't think it's nerves. We're controlling games, we keep the ball well, but we're maybe missing that directness and going for teams."

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