Marc Guehi 享受 2024 年欧洲杯经历

Marc Guehi 享受 2024 年欧洲杯经历

Marc Guehi 正在彻底享受他作为英格兰成年国脚的第一场重要赛事,并渴望在 2024 年欧洲杯上继续给人留下深刻印象。这位中后卫在三狮军团前两场比赛中的表现赢得了好评。 后防线在这些比赛中只丢了一个球,格希希望这些标准在周二的决赛中不会下降C 组与斯洛文尼亚的比赛。他说:“说实话,这是一次非常愉快的经历。我从来没有想过我会在这里,所以我只是享受每一个时刻,享受我在球场上的每一次,每一次训练,我真的很高兴来到这里。

"I think you have to have confidence in yourself. I don’t like to think too far ahead. I always like to just be in the moment and focus on what is in front of me. It is very important to have confidence but that is also earnt. You don’t just have confidence from nothing. I think that it is important to earn your confidence, earn your belief by working hard."We’re doing well in defence at the moment. I think it’s something to build on, for sure. We don’t want to rest, we want to carry on moving forward and trying to help the team as much as possible. I’m just glad to be playing with John Stones. He’s such an amazing player. He makes life easy for me. His experience, along with Kyle Walker and Kieran Trippier, is priceless, not just for me but for each and every one of us. These tournaments are tough but when you have people who have gone through them before you it's really valuable."England sit top of the group with four points, knowing that a win on Tuesday would see them into the last 16 in top spot.

But Guehi also outlined some areas in which they believe they can improve.He said: "We're focusing on fluidity and that togetherness, that connection, both in attack and defence. Making sure we’re compact and really know when to press but also making sure that we can create more chances for ourselves and be more dangerous going forward."I think we have been a bit stretched at times, so even from my position it's about communication from the back and helping the guys at the front as well. Sometimes it’s just the rhythm of the game. When you are playing against a good opposition who have good players, they can do that to you. I think the most important thing in that situation was how resolute we were. If we can carry on and help ourselves in the moments that are difficult then we will be fine."

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