

布卡约·萨卡很享受在英格兰右路的凯尔·沃克面前踢球,他的目标是在周四对阵丹麦的比赛中取得更大的成功。这位边锋在周日 1-0 战胜塞尔维亚的比赛中给人留下了深刻的印象,为英格兰队打进了本场比赛的唯一进球。裘德·贝林汉姆持续构成威胁。萨卡在半场结束前还给沃克发起了一次危险的反击,尽管这位边后卫的射门稍稍偏出,但两人希望再次联手。这位阿森纳球星说道: “和他一起打球是一种乐趣。他非常可靠,是我可以信任的人。他经常沟通,尤其是在位置不佳的情况下,我总是很清楚自己需要在哪里。“展望未来,他是一台机器。你看到了我们的反击,他飞了起来,我只是把球传到那里。我知道他会赢得比赛,所以我就把它放在他面前,让他跑。和他一起打球很愉快,他给了我很大的信心。

"The first half, I was happy. I managed to get into good positions, dribbling, running in behind to affect the game and creating some chances for my teammates. I'm enjoying playing football. However the opposition set up, you have to find a way to break it down."Saka was pleased with the Three Lions' performance and victory overall and also heaped praise on the match-winner.He said: "We can be positive. Winning the first game is so important for the confidence and momentum. We want to build on our performance. I think in the second half Serbia were much more aggressive and we had to dig deep but if we're going to win the tournament we have to show that side.

"Jude [Bellingham] was unbelievable. At certain moments he was doing some crazy things. I'm happy for him, he deserved it, and I hope he can play like that the whole tournament. It's a pleasure to play with him."My cross dropped perfectly for him for the goal. It wasn't an easy header, though, he had to be brave. He finished it off nicely."Attention now turns to Denmark and Saka is eager that England get into a rhythm of playing well and winning.

He said: "We were waiting a long time for game one. It came and we won it so we're confident and happy now. We're looking forward to the next game and another challenge. We've played Denmark before and it wasn't easy so we're just doing our best to prepare for it."We have an idea of how they'll set up. One thing we know is that they're a team with quality. We played them in the last EUROs and we went to extra time with them so we know it will be tough. We want to go and win again."

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