

Marc Guehi和Jarrod Bowen都表示很高兴能够在周日的2024 年欧洲杯战胜塞尔维亚大型赛事中首次亮相。周一下午在 EE 转播的 Lions' Den 节目中,两人还描述了他们对裘德·贝林厄姆在上半场比赛中打入致胜进球。在后防线中表现赢得好评的盖伊很高兴能够在最大的舞台上发挥作用。他说:“这是一个完美的开始。这是很高兴第一场比赛开始,你已经做好了所有的准备,每个人都渴望比赛,很高兴获得三分,现在我们可以进入下一场比赛。“这对每个人来说都是一个艰难的考验,但是。当你身边有这么多经验时,这会很有帮助。这是其他后卫的第四或第五场重大比赛,他们让我很容易感到放松。我真的很享受这个机会并且我真的很感激。

"We worked on that goal all week. They were waiting for us to make a mistake so they could counter, so patience was key. We worked it well, Bukayo's done exactly what he's been doing all season. Jude does what he does, comes in late, scores a great goal, and everyone was buzzing with that sequence of play."The Crystal Palace defender was also full of praise for Bowen, Connor Gallagher and Kobbie Mainoo, who helped England hold onto their lead as substitutes in the second half.He said: "The subs did great. Especially yesterday we needed it because everybody put in a big shift. Tripps [Kieran Trippier] was cramping up, Jude was tired, everyone was knackered. Anyone can come on and make an impact."It was a relief when the full-time whistle blew. It was a really tough game but we knew a win would put us top of the group and now we have to rest up for the next one."

Bowen was full of life from the bench, smartly getting the Three Lions up the pitch and teeing up captain Harry Kane for a header that so nearly doubled their lead.The winger revealed that he was just delighted to be chucked into the fray.He said: "Obviously Harry nearly scored from my cross. It was a worldie of a save, I was behind it and thought it was in."Gareth told me to do what I do. I knew my role, we'd worked on it in the week. He told me to freshen it up. It was an intense game, a physical game. I played 20 minutes but I was sweating. We need that rhythm of games but I was able to come on and help us keep the lead."The fans were unbelievable. I looked up and watched them when Jude scored and they were all going mad. We know it will be the same in Frankfurt this week. It's surreal. Last EUROs I was in the stands for the Germany game giving it large. To be part of it was incredible."England are next in action for that match against Denmark on Thursday, which kicks off at 5pm BST.

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