

德克兰·赖斯承认自己受伤了,但表示英格兰在温布利举行的 2024 年欧洲杯最后一场热身赛中以 1-0 输给冰岛后必须尽快吸取教训。东道主队在第 12 分钟通过乔恩·达古尔·索尔斯坦森 (Jon Dagur Thorsteinsson) 攻入全场唯一进球三狮军团从那时起就占据了控球权,但无法对抗顽固的客队。赖斯说:“我内心受伤,还有很多工作要做。”当你拥有那么多球时,几次明显的机会,并且在欧洲杯之前主场0-1被击败,这并不理想。但我会采取积极的态度。我们有很多有希望的表现,我们踢得节奏很好,总是努力向前推进。我们必须更精明一点。

"It's not ideal we lost but there are good learning curves we can build on as a team. There's no doubt our quality on the ball against teams that sit in like that, it's about being more mentally switched on."We were a bit exposed with our press and not as compact as we usually are."Every game is another chance to get better and we're going to be more than ready for Serbia."Winger Anthony Gordon echoed Rice's thoughts and believes there is plenty that England can take from Friday's defeat.He said: "It didn't go the way we wanted but it's a bigger picture. It's great practice for us, that's how teams are probably going to play against us so the more we play against teams like that, and learn how to break them down, the better for us going into the tournament."We lacked quality in the final third. We did well controlling the game and pinning them back but a bit of lack of quality in the final third let us down."

And Gordon can't wait to travel to Germany and get stuck into his first senior tournament.He added: " I don't think it will hit me until I am actually on the plane. That's all you hear, 'Are you on the plane?' "The plane is actually the exciting bit for me now. I am expecting some big mad plane! We have got a day off to enjoy some family time and then I can't wait."

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