

加雷斯·索斯盖特承认英格兰队在比赛中表现不够好 在温布利以 1-0 输给冰岛队但他说他从比赛中学到了很多东西。三狮军团无法击垮他们的客队,后者早早就取得了领先,保持一球领先。但是索斯盖特相信他的球队会在这场比赛中表现得更好。他说:“我们知道表现不够好,但我认为我们需要这场比赛。很多球员都需要游戏。

"There are a lot of players whose minutes we are managing who have had a break since the end of the club season where you are trying to refresh them but they are out of rhythm. It was obviously a disjointed and disappointing performance and we didn't show enough character."Actually I think it is a really good focus for us ahead of the tournament. Everybody is saying we are going to go there and walk through and have no problems and the reality of international football isn't that. We have got to be far better without the ball than we were today and then we have to show more composure."Southgate explained in more detail what he thought went wrong at Wembley.He said: "Across the two games we haven't had probably our full side out at any one point. It has been strange preparation. We are having to get players off after an hour when you would really be pushing to try and turn the result around.

"It is not perfect but I have been involved in these last matches going into a tournament as a player and inevitably players have one eye on what is coming in terms of some of the early challenges. No excuses on the result, we have to be better than that but there are a lot of things we can put right pretty quickly."We didn't get our pressing right and we were too stretched without the ball. There were questions asked that we weren't able to answer. No matter how much talent you have with the ball, if your out of possession game isn't right then it can make it feel like you've not got a foothold in the game. "We will be ready. Obviously tonight hasn't gone as we hoped but I said to the players at the beginning of this 45-odd days we will spend together, not every day is going to go as we want it. Tonight is one of those but we need to stay very calm."

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